Sunday, November 05, 2006

The one thing my country doesn't have is...: India

Well guys back with another post. This time I thnk the topic is pretty good and exposes the negativity of our countries. But I will also turn out to be a eye opener. so here goes my analysis of my country.

India has got a lots of Human Resource, thats a great thing but, there are no effective ways of exploring these human resources. Most human resources are wasted, which is a worrying thing. This can be accounted to the fact that, there is a large, vast resource, so its pretty hard to use it effectively.

IT is a very much develping field, but still development in that area is hampered due to lack of infrastructure. The railroads are excellent in India, but good roads are a rarity. Cities continuosly hampered by lack of infrastructure planning, leading to problems when the city grows very rapidly without prorper infrastructure.

Development plans laid out by the government is amazing, but the way it is carried out is very poor, which is a vital area of concern. This is due to the fact that, even though we draft plans we dont plan how to implement it, which causes even the brightest of plans a waste.

So we can conclude about the one thing we lack in our country, Its planning. we don't plan our things that much effectively. but being a country with only 60 years of Independent and united history, we are very much in a learning process, and in course of days to come, we ll learn all those things and one day become a super power in this world..


Blogger Jock said...

I think India has everything to become a super power in some decades.

We alaways hear that India "export" brains... the science and the computing have had amazing progress in the hands of indians!

7:29 PM  

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